Westdale Junior School letters

Blog where we post the text of important letters to parents/carers.

08 September 2013


Reading Information Meeting for Year 3 Parents

Thursday 12th September 2013 

Reading Information Meeting for Year 3 Parents
9.30 - 10.15 am in the school hall

Do you want to find out more about how we choose reading books and what expectations we have in regard to reading?
If so then come along to this informal meeting where we will explain more. 

Want to know more and are unable to make the meeting then don't worry we will send home a short reading booklet after the meeting.

If you would like to come along then please return the reply slip below to your child's class teacher.


Reading Information Meeting for Year 3 Parents - Thursday 12th September 2013

Child's Name: _____________________________________

Class: Miss Hubert Mrs Roberts/Mrs Tupholme (delete as appropriate)

I / We will be attending the reading meeting on Thursday 12th September

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